Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Memories Off 3.5 03 - Baby, You're a Firework

This episode begins the "The Time when Prayers are Answered" arc of Memories Off 3.5, and I have to say, it's got a bit less gravity and a bit more Epic Misunderstandings than the previous arc. And does anyone else think that the scene from 15:35 - 17:11 is random and unnecessary? Maybe if I'd played the game and knew who that character was beyond "mauve-haired girl with a sword who appears in the OP", it'd be a different story. And I'll see if she pops up in the last episode; I can't recall since I last actually watched the full series in 2007.

Might've had this out a little sooner if not for the moving calendar signs at 20:25, but since Faith&Flux translated them (albeit not entirely correctly), I held myself to the same standard. I didn't TL/TS a few other signs like the Fireworks Festival fliers, but I felt they were redundant since Inori reads one out loud anyway.


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