Monday, January 9, 2012

Lime-Colored War Tales OVA 2 - A Farewell to Harems

It's the first release of 2012 after too long a hiatus, and it's also the end of a series. Somewhere among the bikini-stripping antics and increasingly bizarre fantasy sequences, they snuck in just a bit of action, plot and drama. And of course, there's more of a lead-in to the sequel series, Lime-iro Ryuukitan X Cross, as Tsumugi Shima gets in on the action. In more ways than one. All in all, it's not too bad of an ending, or at least it's better than what most 12-14 episode anime get these days.

TV Series & OVA Batch (Nyaa)OVA Batch (BakaBT)


  1. Thanks for this! Any chance of doing the 2nd season?

  2. Thanks for the release :)

  3. There always that guy...Thanks for the release.

  4. Awesome as always! Thank you for a high quality version of this series!

    PS: any chance of you completing the series by completing the second season?

  5. Great-now we've finally got the originial series and the ovas subbed-I was beginning to wonder if anybody would ever sub the unedited dvd version of the tv show.

  6. The torrents seeder is dead :( i was seeking this serie :(
